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COY 23

Color of the Year 2023 Limited Edition (24.000).

Belicoso Connecticut. Totalmente a mano.

COY 23 Belicoso Connecticut

Introducing the COY 23 cigar by CigarKings - a true masterpiece in the world of cigars. The Belicoso cigar is made using the finest tobacco from Nicaragua and Ecuador, including a wrapper of Ecuador Connecticut, a binder of Nicaragua Jalapa Corojo, and a filler of Nicaragua Estelí H-2000, Jalapa Corojo.


This light-medium bodied cigar boasts hints of spice and leather, with a long, satisfying finish that will leave you wanting more.

But the COY 23 cigar isn't just any ordinary cigar - it's a statement piece. Designed by the owner and CEO of CigarKings, Philipp Kugler, the packaging comes in two options, both produced in Bavaria. The first is a specially designed paper box made with 350-gram paper, and the second is a display of five packs, including four tubes made of aluminum. Both options come in the vibrant color of the year - magenta - and are adorned with the CigarKings logo and the words "COY 23" in a sleek and modern font.

The COY 23 cigar is a symbol of sophistication and elegance, and speaks of a life well-lived. With its bold flavor, unique blend, and luxurious packaging, the COY 23 cigar is a must-have for any cigar aficionado. The cigar is set to release in April 2023, and is the first cigar of the new yearly color of the year edition by CigarKings.



Nicaragua Estelí H-2000, Jalapa Corojo

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